Saturday, July 21, 2007

Mexico 2006: SLP Tour

After our low water trip in December of 2005 (see previous video) John Eskew and I were eager to return to Mexico at a time when we would have better water levels. In November 2006 we were joined by Shannon MacMichael and Dustin Bunch for a trip around the Thanksgiving holiday. Blessed with favorable water levels and our previous knowledge of the area's logistics we enjoyed a great (and relaxed) week of paddling in the region.

Until Next Time...


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Mexico Flashback from 2005

As I am begin to prepare for a third winter venture to Mexico, I dug up some footage from my first trip when I headed down with John back in 2005. We didn't know much about where to go or what to do (and sure as hell didn't speak spanish), but had a lot of fun despite the low water. Here's some video from that trip I threw together (late last night) with a highly strange combo of music and some carnage for your enjoyment...

Despite the low water John and I spend a fun couple of weeks exploring the region and were able to utlitize everything we learned about the area for our return trip with better water in 2006 (stay tuned for video of that trip).

Until Next Time...


Saturday, July 14, 2007

East Fork Micro Creeking

Back in the fall of 2006 Brandon and I did what was likely the first descent of a fun little micro creek in VA, East Fork of Elk Creek. We did it the morning of the day of our first attempt on Saint Mary's River (an attempt that resulted in being flooded out of the Saint Mary's gorge). With plenty of dry weather lately I finally got around to putting together a little video from this tiny creek.

East Fork of Elk Creek rarely has water, but when it does it is fast and fun despite its lack of more challenging drops. Really it would be a great creek for lower intermediate paddlers to get a taste of non-stop boogie water for 2 miles. The main danger on the East Fork is wood, a badly placed tree could be very bad on this small stream with few eddys.

Until Next Time...


Burn Outfitting 101

I've been getting alot of complements on my outfitting over the years and that usually leads to request for advice on getting the right fit. I finally decided to try to put together a little vid of me outfitting my Burn.

There are a couple of things I do that are not included in the video. The first is to use stronger cord to attach the ratchet peice to the rest of the backband (the stock one is kinda weak). I always do this, but failed to video it. The other is that I usually add an aditional screw in the thigh braces through the top of the cockpit rim. I do this because I'm a big guy I feel the need to reinforce them, but I didn't include it in the vid because I think most folks have no need for such reinforcement.

Until Next Time...
